欢迎来到香蕉共和国,一个政治不稳定,并由一群富有,关系密切的商界精英统治的国家。玩家扮演具有政治影响力的富商,为了在股票,房地产和债券各方面的投资受益,企图影响政府政策来操纵经济。玩家可雇佣有权势的银行家和政治家,同时操纵金融怪物 Debtzilla (债斯拉)和 Inflationsaurus (膨胀恐龙)来智取你的对手。在这个充满金钱狂热的竞争世界里,你有生存的能力吗?
Welcome to Banana Republic, a politically unstable country dominated by wealthy, well-connected business elites. As one of these elites, you get to influence government policies and manipulate the economy in order to benefit your investments in Stocks, Properties and Bonds. Outsmart your opponents by hiring powerful bankers and politicians while defending your wealth against financial monsters such as Debtzilla and Inflationsaurus. Do you have what it takes to survive in this competitive world of money mania?
Wongamamania: Banana Economy is a 2 to 5 players competitive card game that educates the players on the concept of the economic cycle and investment portfolio management. It also touches on various aspects of personal finance such as risk management, insurance and estate planning.
Wongamania: Banana Economy is the top-selling Singaporean designed financial literacy game and obtained Imagination Gaming Seal of Approval in 2020 Imagination Gaming Awards
🏠 Game Publisher: Capital Gains Studio
📦 Website: www.capitalgainsgroup.com
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