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全港瘋狂爆買的 9UPPER 瞎掰王 續作火熱推出!

一副為 9UPPER 瞎掰王而設的桌遊。


9upper 更被譽為最爆笑 party game 之一,推出以來一直大受歡迎。


"9up" is a Cantonese slang that means people making up some bluff during conversation.

"9upper" is a created word referring to people who create such bluff.

In each game, there will be one "Truthteller", one "Thinker", and the rest are "9upper"s.

During the game, players will come across "Question cards" printed with "terms", "jargons", "phrases" or may be even "pictures" that are seldom used or not commonly known by most people.

Only the "Truthteller" can review the answer printed at the back of the card.

The other players being the "9upper"s will have to make up some bluff based on the question or the "hints" print on the question and "pretend" they are the "Truthteller".

After listening, the "Thinker" will have to identify who is the "Truthteller", and if he/she can call a player's bluff can also have additional bonus.


"9upper" is a party game produced by TIME2PLAY GAMES with great success in Hong Kong since 2021 and was licensed to Taiwan on 2022.

It is also a hot party game for different YouTubers in Chinese speaking community.


Let's be the "9Upper" and and enjoy the game !!!


(P.S. believe me, I am not bluffing, I am just telling you the truth....)


🏠 Game Publisher: Time2Play Games Ltd

9UPPER 瞎掰王3 HK bluff game

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